@oslo Hopeful (she/her)
1. How long have you been with SG?
Since 2020
2. How did you get involved with SG?
I had been contemplating joining the community for a while, and I finally reached out to a staff photographer and we set a date to shoot my very first set and the rest is history!
3. What's your favorite set you've shot?
Nympholepsy by far. I feel like Eve in the garden of Eden and that was so empowering for me.
4. What's your zodiac sign?
5. What's your favorite tattoo?
I have two major tattoos: My ravens on my back and my Fëanorian Elvish script on my rib cage and I love them both.
6. What's your favorite thing about the SG community?
I wanted to be part of a community that celebrates women for sharing themselves in their most vulnerable state rather than shaming them for it, and I’ve found that with the SG community.
7. Where would you like to travel?
Where wouldn’t I like to travel? Africa, India, Greece, Australia. All of Scandinavia so I may visit the land of my ancestors. New Zealand. I mean, I want to go to the farthest reaches of the world and see things I’ve only imagined seeing.
8. What's your favorite food?
My favorite type of food is Mexican.
9. Do you have any hidden talents?
Having the acute ability to recognize and identify faces, voices, composed music and link them to a person, composer, artist with only one prior exposure to them previously. Hard to explain but I hope that made sense!
10. What are your hobbies?
I am a makeup artist. I enjoy studying and researching things I am interested in and I love lifting weights at the gym.