Ok, this is a very embarrassing intro to the old game show "Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?"
The embarrassment ends at 2:57

I loved that show! The link isn't working.
I think YouTube is down for a few. I can't get on myself. If it continues to act-up by the end of the day, let me know & I'll show u how to look for this particular video. Its so embarrassing, u really have to watch it haha
IN THE NEWS: so the whole world is unemployed & we now have swine flu, the new zombie outbreak, to add.
In conclusion, we are all going to die poor; who knew the world would end this way eeek eeek eeek
This is an old video but I'm wondering if any1 as seen it; this is what happens if you mix Jim Henson's Muppets with the characters of the movie Pulp Fiction;

That video was awesome!! tongue

So I just got back from watching Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li
HAHAHAHA, holy shit this movie was sooooooo bad.
It is NOT worth watching in theaters. This movie is great to rent or download (make sure your friends are with u to watch) because its a great movie to bash-on. The acting is atrocious. This movie just has a certain bad quality...
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Movie Review: My Bloody Valentine in 3D

I just got back from the movie theater with my friend & his gf. We decided to go to a super-late showing.

This movie is Complete GARBAGE!!!

Not many ppl knowin fact, no one I spoke to about this has even heard of the original My Bloody Valentine from 1981. I remember watching the original movie on USA...
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Betty (Bettie) Mae Page
April 22, 1923 - December 11, 2008 (85 years old)
So sad.