Just a quickie. Need to make and drink a cuppa before seeing a client...
The ipod thing. Just struck me that my comments yesterday about how sexy it is are really in tune with Bjork's video, "All is Full of Love". White plastic. Technology. Sparks. Sex. Didn't realise how much of a turn-on it was for me. Yikes, I'm a geek! Hmmm... I wonder what it is that I find attractive about it...? Anyone got any ideas?
The ipod thing. Just struck me that my comments yesterday about how sexy it is are really in tune with Bjork's video, "All is Full of Love". White plastic. Technology. Sparks. Sex. Didn't realise how much of a turn-on it was for me. Yikes, I'm a geek! Hmmm... I wonder what it is that I find attractive about it...? Anyone got any ideas?
5 items you can't live without: "jack daniels" or "daniel jacksons"?
You wouldn't be referring to my very very very slight and extremely attractive belly now would you?
Just in case you or anyone else gets the wrong idea here, I feel it necessary to state that my belly, while indeed growing somewhat over Christmas, is not of disturbing or unpleasant proportions. Indeed, I believe it is receeding even as I write this. I grant that it's not a six pack but neither would it make an SG gal or guy quiver with disgust. It is in fact smaller than the aforementioned Daniel Jackson's (of Stargate fame). Nope, I feel confident that given a few more days of tender loving care it might return to its habitual, pre-holidays state of non-Buddha-like size and almost athletic firmness. Oh God, am I digging a hole for myself here?