OK, so now I see what all the fuss is about. This ipod really is sex in a box. (wtf?!) Jesus, it had me at the packaging. Sweet presentation. And then slowly opening the flaps up to reveal the thing itself. Oooooooooooooooooo. I'm a happy, happy giddy thing who's had too much oxygen and a snort of whisky in a deep pressurized diving bell... This thing is so sexy it seriously makes me want to wank. Well, I don't really think *it* wants me to but... Nah, not time for that right now and I'm not sure my workmates wouldn't appreciate it. Better get myself home, cook Meeper some good ol' anti-flu food, and make myself comfortable.
Oh, and the grant meeting went well! The dude, who was a v nice chappie, said he'd recommend the grant for 3 years. Yeah baby. We will never go hungry again!
Now, if only I could invent a cure for the flu while also winning the lottery, while also hanging out with all you boootiful people. Ah.
Love and rockin'
Oh, and the grant meeting went well! The dude, who was a v nice chappie, said he'd recommend the grant for 3 years. Yeah baby. We will never go hungry again!
Now, if only I could invent a cure for the flu while also winning the lottery, while also hanging out with all you boootiful people. Ah.
Love and rockin'

Oh yeah, "A Now" is a classic for sure. For the full effect I'd suggest a darkened room, some jossticks burning away somewhere, and maybe just one or two drams - not enough to get you slammed or anything but enough to get you a bit spacey...
Yeah, Big Blue was the movie. (Deep Blue was/is an IBM computer built in an on-going effort to create AI or at least a Grandmaster beating chess machine.) Great scene in the diving bell. I think I cried I laughed so much the first time I saw it. I really related to it because although I've never been in a bell like that, I've got mighty high scuba diving a bit too deep. It's called the rapture and is really oxygen narcosis. Can be lethal but can also be quite a trip. You ever fancy diving?
anything labeled 'the rapture' must be fun!