whistling dixie
Oh, I see. SG has reactivated a boat load of old accounts. Either that or someone else has generously done it. Hadn't realised how many of us left in 2005. I think there's one, maybe two, of my old friends left here, unless they've de-friended me.
While I really liked the structure of SG and the ethos (as least as I used to know it...
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While I really liked the structure of SG and the ethos (as least as I used to know it...
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Hey Folks,
Just wanted to say goodbye and to thank you all for sharing stuff and all that. I've found friendship, support, ideas, and laughter here and hope that I've been able to give back a little of those as well.
I'm going for a couple of reasons. The first is that I have so little time these days to keep up with SG. Hell,...
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Just wanted to say goodbye and to thank you all for sharing stuff and all that. I've found friendship, support, ideas, and laughter here and hope that I've been able to give back a little of those as well.
I'm going for a couple of reasons. The first is that I have so little time these days to keep up with SG. Hell,...
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Happy New Year!
Sorry you are leaving the site.

Sorry you are leaving the site.

Oh hey, I just remembered that you have a few books of mine. Any chance you could get them back to me?

'ello 'ello
keep it under your hat!
I'm back but very tired, having lived in a state of haze for the last 5 days, now under the tyrrany of jetlag.
sleep sleep sleep.
more later
keep it under your hat!
I'm back but very tired, having lived in a state of haze for the last 5 days, now under the tyrrany of jetlag.
sleep sleep sleep.
more later
Dunno who wrote this first but I like it and want to share:
The Invitation
It doesn't interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for, and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart's longing.
It doesn't interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for...
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The Invitation
It doesn't interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for, and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart's longing.
It doesn't interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for...
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Thanks for the kind words.
I liked your journal. If more people cared about all of the above then the modern obsession with materialisms, fads and need to lack originality could be wiped out real quick.
I liked your journal. If more people cared about all of the above then the modern obsession with materialisms, fads and need to lack originality could be wiped out real quick.
Hi, sorry, I didn't notice your entry inmy journal, as it was on an old entry (the comment counter on the top right only tells you those that've commented on the most recent journal entry). Yeah, Oxfords not to bad, I guess my main problem was more realted to living 15 miles away in the sticks!
PhD topic = superfloods.
Nice set of words above. Would be good to know who its by,
So what do you do for a living? actual Psychology?
PhD topic = superfloods.
Nice set of words above. Would be good to know who its by,
So what do you do for a living? actual Psychology?
Just a quickie. Need to make and drink a cuppa before seeing a client...
The ipod thing. Just struck me that my comments yesterday about how sexy it is are really in tune with Bjork's video, "All is Full of Love". White plastic. Technology. Sparks. Sex. Didn't realise how much of a turn-on it was for me. Yikes, I'm a geek! Hmmm... I wonder what...
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The ipod thing. Just struck me that my comments yesterday about how sexy it is are really in tune with Bjork's video, "All is Full of Love". White plastic. Technology. Sparks. Sex. Didn't realise how much of a turn-on it was for me. Yikes, I'm a geek! Hmmm... I wonder what...
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5 items you can't live without: "jack daniels" or "daniel jacksons"?
You wouldn't be referring to my very very very slight and extremely attractive belly now would you?
Just in case you or anyone else gets the wrong idea here, I feel it necessary to state that my belly, while indeed growing somewhat over Christmas, is not of disturbing or unpleasant proportions. Indeed, I believe it is receeding even as I write this. I grant that it's not a six pack but neither would it make an SG gal or guy quiver with disgust. It is in fact smaller than the aforementioned Daniel Jackson's (of Stargate fame). Nope, I feel confident that given a few more days of tender loving care it might return to its habitual, pre-holidays state of non-Buddha-like size and almost athletic firmness. Oh God, am I digging a hole for myself here?

OK, so now I see what all the fuss is about. This ipod really is sex in a box. (wtf?!) Jesus, it had me at the packaging. Sweet presentation. And then slowly opening the flaps up to reveal the thing itself. Oooooooooooooooooo. I'm a happy, happy giddy thing who's had too much oxygen and a snort of whisky in a deep pressurized diving bell... This...
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Businessman?! Don't like to think of myself like that but I suppose I have all those skills from days of yore. I was certainly doing the Yuppie thing back in the day. Shudder.
Oh yeah, "A Now" is a classic for sure. For the full effect I'd suggest a darkened room, some jossticks burning away somewhere, and maybe just one or two drams - not enough to get you slammed or anything but enough to get you a bit spacey...
Yeah, Big Blue was the movie. (Deep Blue was/is an IBM computer built in an on-going effort to create AI or at least a Grandmaster beating chess machine.) Great scene in the diving bell. I think I cried I laughed so much the first time I saw it. I really related to it because although I've never been in a bell like that, I've got mighty high scuba diving a bit too deep. It's called the rapture and is really oxygen narcosis. Can be lethal but can also be quite a trip. You ever fancy diving?
Oh yeah, "A Now" is a classic for sure. For the full effect I'd suggest a darkened room, some jossticks burning away somewhere, and maybe just one or two drams - not enough to get you slammed or anything but enough to get you a bit spacey...
Yeah, Big Blue was the movie. (Deep Blue was/is an IBM computer built in an on-going effort to create AI or at least a Grandmaster beating chess machine.) Great scene in the diving bell. I think I cried I laughed so much the first time I saw it. I really related to it because although I've never been in a bell like that, I've got mighty high scuba diving a bit too deep. It's called the rapture and is really oxygen narcosis. Can be lethal but can also be quite a trip. You ever fancy diving?
i'd love to dive...i'm a bit intimidated by the sea though. she's the most beautiful thing on the planet (in the universe?) and i'm afraid she might spit me out. i would never go in without learning the proper respect...
anything labeled 'the rapture' must be fun!
anything labeled 'the rapture' must be fun!
OK, my face and I managed to make it through the rest of the day. I think we have a new board member (Yea! Free legal advice and lots of expensive wine!!).
Tommorrow is a dooooozie. I got an ipod 40 Gb arriving. Oh yes, my furry friends!!! I also got some groovy in the ear ear bud thingies and the third Sneaker Pimps CD....
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Tommorrow is a dooooozie. I got an ipod 40 Gb arriving. Oh yes, my furry friends!!! I also got some groovy in the ear ear bud thingies and the third Sneaker Pimps CD....
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ipods are the sex
Aaarrrrrrrrrrrgh. Bought a cheap ass razor from Boots, some nice conditioning foam and shaved in the office bathroom. Feels like someone's rubbed my face viciously on sandpaper. Arrrrrrgrgrgrggrhhhhhhh fuck fuck fuck
Training on Sat was great - loads of energy, loads of ideas, almost manic. My mind is on fire right now and I'm lovin' it. I'm working on a couple of papers I'd like to get published and I can see the beginnings of a book...
On a different note, I suggested to one of my colleagues, a lecturer in psych, that she might consider...
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On a different note, I suggested to one of my colleagues, a lecturer in psych, that she might consider...
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