been kinda absent lately, sorry. Bummed about being trapped with no where to go. Monday is going to be a big day, appt with neurologist about my license, I'm hoping for the best but getting more and more negative as time goes on :( I FINALLY got some compensation for not working since Nov. Its a measly amount and doesn't even cover the mortgage but beggars cant be choosers.
Had a Photoshoot and it went great for my first time, but don't get too excited, I'm not so sure I'll be submitting it to become a hopeful, the hubs is very UN easy about it and isn't pleased with what ive already got on the site. I wish I could make him understand that this is rreally important to me, but I'm not about to post it behind his back, our relationship is oddly honest, and plus I'm a terrible liar. And really I have no desire to lie to him.
Besides that, my family dog had a stroke :( she is OK for now, and I really hate to admit this, but I think my parents are doing her more harm then good, we had to out her brother down about 4 months ago and I feel like they just cant handle it again and its making her suffer in the end. Otherwise, ive become addicted to pretty little liars and have finished 2 seasons in 3days lol not something I'm totally proud of, but I cant get enough.
Odious for meow.
-A ;)