So I've been a fan of Miley Cyrus since she came on Disney Channel and instead of having a sexy Halloween costume this year I decided to be normal Miley not the Miley that's on stage.
I've been Soo busy with trade photo shoots just to build up my portfolio and have more experience for my next SG Hopeful shoot. I don't have time to blog unless I'm literally in bed with nothing to do. I've gotten time to get my first weave done today though, that was a nice treat to myself. It's a bit noticeable unless I wear a...
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I've done some personal photo shoots recently while waiting for my SG hopeful sets to go out to the public, I've got to say I honestly wish I could of done this before doing SG shoots, I'm feeling kind of nervous nervous.
So my friend has what I like to call "potty mouth" (when one can't keep their thoughts in) and was telling me how I'll never become a Suicide Girl because I try to hard and I'm not good looking enough that being a Hopeful will be the furthest I'll go.
I was always insecure about my body (head to toe). My friends would have perfect breast and be full figured mean while here goes tiny ol me. I guess make up helps even though it's an illusion however, you can't make everything permenant. What I'm trying to say is yes you should love yourself no matter what you look like but if you aren't content...
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Don't over think about something you're extremely passionate about or someone you truly admire. If someone is falling hard for you but you only have a slight crush on them while you're falling hard for someone else you shouldn't pity them because at the end of the day the heart wants what the heart desires you shouldn't settle for less settle for who you want...
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We tend to seek those who don't deserve us because lust is a big distraction and interferes with our relationships with those who need,want, & deserve us.