I was always insecure about my body (head to toe). My friends would have perfect breast and be full figured mean while here goes tiny ol me. I guess make up helps even though it's an illusion however, you can't make everything permenant. What I'm trying to say is yes you should love yourself no matter what you look like but if you aren't content and confident then there is help. There's breast augmentation, shots for your buttocks and body fat transfers. We have the ability to look what society now calls "flawless" but do we want to look like the other women for good or be accepted for the temporary costume you're wearing?
Dont you think there is more to beauty than society says? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Plus all things big and small have their beauty.
Everybody has insecurities when it comes to their body, and society makes matters worse by promoting unhealthy body images, that's why there's all the "body improvement" clinics, etc. Personally I think it's a sin that society makes people think they need to be borderline anorexic or need to constantly "improve" themselves to feel beautiful. Everybody's different and everybody's beautiful in their own way. I agree with the previous comments, and I say: Fuck society! You are flawless hon, never let anyone tell you otherwise. :)