THis is a such a grea blog homework for me!@missy @rambo @lyxzen Seeing as how I have many nick names cupcake, bandit, cupcake bandit and my most favorite bitch pudding.
So for cupcake,Bandit and cupcake Bandit came from my love of both stealing people cupcakes and cute raccoons!! Cupcake Bandit has to be my favorite of the 3 I would say. It combines both of just greatness :)
And then there was bitch pudding. This one came about while watching robot chicken with my husband and our best friend. They have a a girl name butch pudding who just says the most outrageous stuff ever and to ever. She doesn't care who it is to she will just say it. As they both know this is how I am. I will say what's up bitch and hoes to everyone lol. So this was a perfect fit. Not many know about this nickname but a handful of friends!! But love it :)