had a great weekend, if somewhat tiring!! thanks to munch for his hospitality, and pinklet, jackie and iannnnnn for being most excellent companions!!
special thanks to iannnnnn for popping my cherry on guitar hero 
sleep is high on my agenda now. i have loads of work coming my way that will need some serious arse-kicking when it arrives. ah who am i kidding? i'll be up late all night, then sleep in late as usual, feel like crap for most of the day, and wake up at night.
without sounding too cheesy...my nights are a lot brighter nowadays...*swoons*
for those who are thinkin 'wtf is he on about?' just take my word, i'm a lot happier than i was a few weeks back... some will know what i'm talking about, some wont... but mark my words, my journals could get a lot soppier from here on in
that is all.
ps - this is how my tummy feels...

sleep is high on my agenda now. i have loads of work coming my way that will need some serious arse-kicking when it arrives. ah who am i kidding? i'll be up late all night, then sleep in late as usual, feel like crap for most of the day, and wake up at night.
without sounding too cheesy...my nights are a lot brighter nowadays...*swoons*
for those who are thinkin 'wtf is he on about?' just take my word, i'm a lot happier than i was a few weeks back... some will know what i'm talking about, some wont... but mark my words, my journals could get a lot soppier from here on in

ps - this is how my tummy feels...

*edited 23:15, 30/01/07 to include:*
but anyyyway thank you SO MUCH for that compliment. i dont know that its true, but i am all kinds of smiley now.
i miss you my friend. you are such a wonderful man.
hope you had a good hump day!!!