*le sigh
so today, my wonderful cell phone has died
It was the bestest phone evarrr. I was driving and reached over to my cell phone only to find that the screen was white with black streaks across it. I just yelled out "WHAT THE FUCK" real loud and tried to make sure I wasn't driving like a maniac out of all the shock!
It's a $400 phone, so you may understand my dismay. I know you may all wonder, why would you spend that much on a phone? Well, it wasn't just a phone. It was like my boyfriend. It woke me up for work and school. It would always surprise me with cute little text messages. We took fun pictures together. And alas, although he was an expensive bf to keep, I loved him! Plus, he loved wearing his hello kitty stickers proudly!
Well, I guess that's where it ends
I probably won't be able to afford another "boyfriend" for another couple of months. The number still works, but I don't know who the hell is calling! I still have my other cell phone, but that one is total shite. So, both of my lines work, but if you call me and I pick up....I may sound sad because I've been weeping over the death of my "boyfriend".
12/2006 - 03/2007

We've been through such good times. Don't worry, love. One day my heart will be fulfilled with happiness again once I get some money coming in! hawhaw
**oh yeah, and I;ve decided to take up skateboarding. I'm bidding on this cute little one on ebay tonight.
so today, my wonderful cell phone has died

It's a $400 phone, so you may understand my dismay. I know you may all wonder, why would you spend that much on a phone? Well, it wasn't just a phone. It was like my boyfriend. It woke me up for work and school. It would always surprise me with cute little text messages. We took fun pictures together. And alas, although he was an expensive bf to keep, I loved him! Plus, he loved wearing his hello kitty stickers proudly!
Well, I guess that's where it ends

12/2006 - 03/2007

We've been through such good times. Don't worry, love. One day my heart will be fulfilled with happiness again once I get some money coming in! hawhaw

**oh yeah, and I;ve decided to take up skateboarding. I'm bidding on this cute little one on ebay tonight.

I know waraanties can cost a lot, but rust this jaded old guy when I say I can count the number of times I'd have saved money by buying a warranty (or not misplacing it or forgetting to send in cards blah blah).
Hope you get a new one soon, but it could be aminor problem.
Again, make sure it's not covered by an automatic warranty or guarantee of some sort.
Good luck.
And good luck on the skateboard bidding!