I'm a bit bummed, but I'm hoping these aren't the FINAL grades
I checked out my calc class and apparently I have an F!?!?!?
I worked so hard in class and tried to study and kept trying to get help from the tutoring place even though my professor was absolutely NO HELP AT ALL. I would ask her if she could do a problem over again when she would ask if there were any questions. She would just go ahead and make the problem even harder when she would explain it again as if that was going to help. If I didn't get it during the simplified version, why the fuck would I get it when you make the problem 3x longer and with more to do in it.
UGH. I fucking hate this.
Or it could just be because I was late to class a lot of times because its a 7:30 class that i have to wake up at 5 for just to get there on time...which never worked out because I would work till 12 every night because my boss never listed when I said I cannot CLOSE because I have 7:30am classes...but who cares. It's all my fault I guess
I really thought I was doing so well this semester, too. I just don't give a shit anymore/

I checked out my calc class and apparently I have an F!?!?!?
I worked so hard in class and tried to study and kept trying to get help from the tutoring place even though my professor was absolutely NO HELP AT ALL. I would ask her if she could do a problem over again when she would ask if there were any questions. She would just go ahead and make the problem even harder when she would explain it again as if that was going to help. If I didn't get it during the simplified version, why the fuck would I get it when you make the problem 3x longer and with more to do in it.
UGH. I fucking hate this.
Or it could just be because I was late to class a lot of times because its a 7:30 class that i have to wake up at 5 for just to get there on time...which never worked out because I would work till 12 every night because my boss never listed when I said I cannot CLOSE because I have 7:30am classes...but who cares. It's all my fault I guess

in pink??? im confused lol xox
aw thank you
just haven't decided yes or no as to whether i want to be..so until i do..i'm not gona be