I just finished jarhead, good book.
wish I was lulled to bed by a DAMN HOT girl like you...hmm
well I'm off to a shower, come with?
take care gorgeous~
Well I'm glad I can motivate you to wanna read it
I am a bit jealous though, I mean if it gets to spend time so near to your bed it's spending time close to you (and you're just insanely hot) sooooo yeah! jealous* haha
and your profile and elements that make my heart race with joy by the way not just the books of course, things like your fantasy, I mean how could I not want to make that come true for you?!? hahahah
later beautiful~
well I'm off to a shower, come with?
take care gorgeous~
I am a bit jealous though, I mean if it gets to spend time so near to your bed it's spending time close to you (and you're just insanely hot) sooooo yeah!
and your profile and elements that make my heart race with joy by the way not just the books of course, things like your fantasy, I mean how could I not want to make that come true for you?!?
later beautiful~