it was a long weekend
one that i could haev probably written an entry on after each night.
but really who cares?
i went up to boone on friday to party, cuz the only totally sweet parties down here are high school ones... f-that
of course i had a nice time with all my homies in boone, but its really all about sleepovers with megan r, shes the fucking best. being smashed, and then just getting smasheder just me n her until like fucking 7am is just wonderful. i totally cherish her, and how close we've become somehow after all these years... even after i wrecked her car when i was 16.
ha, i cleaned out my closet yesterday and found some pictures of me n her from back then, theyre so sweet

also i saw house of flying daggers... it was a really nice change from zhang whatever's last movie 'hero'. just as beautiful, but more of a story and focus on human beauty. the lead girl in that movie has to have one of the most close to perfect faces i have ever seen, ya i have never had a thing for asian chicks like some people do but... come on??!
umm what else...
my new years resolution is to be able to call myself a skateboarder again.
i bought my first OL DIRTY BASTARD cd today. damn i was stoaked... homeboy at the counter was all, "you need a gift reciept?" i said naw man, and he said, "enjoy that odb g"
i think he was proud of me.
black people are way cooler than white people
give it up for MLKJR
dude, i am pretty stoaked... i think i am like this close | | to getting a job at the record store. all of a sudden i am like down with all these people there. at least i feel in somewhere. fuck feeling in
i also bought a devo cd today.
fucking good ass purchase.
threesixes, christopher
ps. how effin SCORCHING is sophie
devo rules!!!