alright way too many worthless entries lately
its the end of saturday night, and its been nice. unlike the drunken ridiculousness of last night... during which i found out about one of the most disturbing bands you've ever seen. check out XXX MANIAK... grind about fucking women with shovels???
anyway my little sister is just awesome, i guess shes not really little, shes like 16, shes alternative. she had a dinner tonight in which everyone sat on the floor with candles and flowers and shit... kinda like my new years party... minus the alcohol. ya i guess thats what you do when you can have a party but you dont do drugs. anyway it ruled cuz they hooked me kiki n carly up with the leftovers.
my orientation yesterday for the university of north carolina at charlotte was lame, i was anti-social and got a lot of my book done. as of right now i have only registered for 2 classes cuz transfer students register dead fucking last...
dude, i couldnt even get an english class, everything is so full i gotta wait till spots open during add/drop
but i am stoaked about what i got so far... art history and poverty & economic philosophy, and video art... pending the permission of the instructor, with whom i meet monday. i sure hope i get in that one too, it could be a springboard into something i think i really wanna get into.
i love home right now, the weather is fucking amazing... its felt like may for weeks, definatly an exception to my "fuck talking about the weather" policy.
my car stereo is broken... NOW how the fuck am i sapposed to look cool at school????
oh yeah and i am on a conquest to procure the my so called life complete series dvds... that show was an important part of my adolescence... the trick is, theyre all like 234134152 dollars on ebay and shit cuz they stopped making them. but i'll at least get my hands on some burned copies soon... i <3 angela chase
having a piano in my room is really one of the best things ever. especially late drunken nights. i should just sleep inside of it. i been learning REM's 'nightswimming'. that probably gonna be the coolest thing i play when i can.
oh yeah black metal logos are just the best ever.
can you guess what this says??
and so is my dog ozzie.
its the end of saturday night, and its been nice. unlike the drunken ridiculousness of last night... during which i found out about one of the most disturbing bands you've ever seen. check out XXX MANIAK... grind about fucking women with shovels???
anyway my little sister is just awesome, i guess shes not really little, shes like 16, shes alternative. she had a dinner tonight in which everyone sat on the floor with candles and flowers and shit... kinda like my new years party... minus the alcohol. ya i guess thats what you do when you can have a party but you dont do drugs. anyway it ruled cuz they hooked me kiki n carly up with the leftovers.
my orientation yesterday for the university of north carolina at charlotte was lame, i was anti-social and got a lot of my book done. as of right now i have only registered for 2 classes cuz transfer students register dead fucking last...
dude, i couldnt even get an english class, everything is so full i gotta wait till spots open during add/drop
but i am stoaked about what i got so far... art history and poverty & economic philosophy, and video art... pending the permission of the instructor, with whom i meet monday. i sure hope i get in that one too, it could be a springboard into something i think i really wanna get into.
i love home right now, the weather is fucking amazing... its felt like may for weeks, definatly an exception to my "fuck talking about the weather" policy.

my car stereo is broken... NOW how the fuck am i sapposed to look cool at school????

oh yeah and i am on a conquest to procure the my so called life complete series dvds... that show was an important part of my adolescence... the trick is, theyre all like 234134152 dollars on ebay and shit cuz they stopped making them. but i'll at least get my hands on some burned copies soon... i <3 angela chase
having a piano in my room is really one of the best things ever. especially late drunken nights. i should just sleep inside of it. i been learning REM's 'nightswimming'. that probably gonna be the coolest thing i play when i can.
oh yeah black metal logos are just the best ever.
can you guess what this says??

and so is my dog ozzie.
i kinda never really was on it very much, im always on msn....
Right now I'm taking night classes here in Winston