i slashed my arm open with the pocket knife that caligula's father hath given him, thereby bleeding my signature on to the declaration of the IVY LEAGUE OF THE SOUTH.
it was pretty fuckin metal. i know i slash harder than marykate.
i aint got shit to say, but on thursday i'll be in southern california again. thank satan. thanks giving. my soon-to-be-a-star friend scott w.side who just relocated to hollywood is going to show me a glamourous time before i get back on my redeye flight on sunday. i plan to pass the fuck out once i get on that plane.
i cant wait to be home and get my real barista on again.
and smoke a lot more pot dammit.
i went out on a date with quik chek girl. we ran around town... and at one point ended up at chuckee cheese's. its a really halarious and kkinda overwhelming place to be when youre that high. but we won plastic a plastic cockroach with our skeeball tickets.
she aint got no phone, so who knows if she'll call.
motherfucking california... sooooooooon. i havent been back there in almost a year. ima bout ta plow through amoeba on sunset. BITCH.
oh yeah... i turned into this guy.
hope thats cool with yall.
i slashed my arm open with the pocket knife that caligula's father hath given him, thereby bleeding my signature on to the declaration of the IVY LEAGUE OF THE SOUTH.
it was pretty fuckin metal. i know i slash harder than marykate.
i aint got shit to say, but on thursday i'll be in southern california again. thank satan. thanks giving. my soon-to-be-a-star friend scott w.side who just relocated to hollywood is going to show me a glamourous time before i get back on my redeye flight on sunday. i plan to pass the fuck out once i get on that plane.
i cant wait to be home and get my real barista on again.
and smoke a lot more pot dammit.
i went out on a date with quik chek girl. we ran around town... and at one point ended up at chuckee cheese's. its a really halarious and kkinda overwhelming place to be when youre that high. but we won plastic a plastic cockroach with our skeeball tickets.
she aint got no phone, so who knows if she'll call.
motherfucking california... sooooooooon. i havent been back there in almost a year. ima bout ta plow through amoeba on sunset. BITCH.

oh yeah... i turned into this guy.

or a guy that lives by colt?