another day, another flat tire.
pretty soon, i'll know a lot about tires and alignments and what not, i guess thats the good side of all a this. its like whatever.
but for fear that my next two tires are close to the ends of their lives, i gotta postpone my trip to see ryan adams. bummer, but it would be more of one if i got stuck there. ryan is from effin NC too, so he ought to mosey on back here soon enough. dammit.
i decided that cars are just too much machine for me, they make life more expensive and complicated. there are better options. i been thinkin about a vespa or lambretta or something, i could learn how to fix that, and spend way less on gas and give my car to my little sister who gets her lisence in a hot one. poor girl needs it. shes gonna kick so much ass.
above the flat tires, this week rocked... quik chek girl... the one i've had my eye on that works around the corner from me that i've had nothin but basic conversation with, well the ice was finally broken the other day when she came into my work, and i got hassled for chatting with her for like 15 min... big deal, it was dead, and shes the only thing of interest to me in that silly mall anyway, i WAS doing my duty. hehe ANYWAY, i dropped in on her today all ready to see what her plans were like this evenin, and before i could ask, she asked ME if i would like to hang out sometime.
she served my coffee, got my number and i danced on outta there. cant wait to see what happens.
the new bright eyes ep LUA is effin amazing, i was ready to be captivated by his music again... he aint lettin me down.
lotsa love yall, crustopher
ummm... this guy rules.
pretty soon, i'll know a lot about tires and alignments and what not, i guess thats the good side of all a this. its like whatever.
but for fear that my next two tires are close to the ends of their lives, i gotta postpone my trip to see ryan adams. bummer, but it would be more of one if i got stuck there. ryan is from effin NC too, so he ought to mosey on back here soon enough. dammit.
i decided that cars are just too much machine for me, they make life more expensive and complicated. there are better options. i been thinkin about a vespa or lambretta or something, i could learn how to fix that, and spend way less on gas and give my car to my little sister who gets her lisence in a hot one. poor girl needs it. shes gonna kick so much ass.
above the flat tires, this week rocked... quik chek girl... the one i've had my eye on that works around the corner from me that i've had nothin but basic conversation with, well the ice was finally broken the other day when she came into my work, and i got hassled for chatting with her for like 15 min... big deal, it was dead, and shes the only thing of interest to me in that silly mall anyway, i WAS doing my duty. hehe ANYWAY, i dropped in on her today all ready to see what her plans were like this evenin, and before i could ask, she asked ME if i would like to hang out sometime.

the new bright eyes ep LUA is effin amazing, i was ready to be captivated by his music again... he aint lettin me down.
lotsa love yall, crustopher
ummm... this guy rules.

sorry that's not the reality.