yes yess yall,
it was a wild weekend. there were 40z, flat tires and fucking amazing shows. my ivy leauge of the south brother, matt n was in town to see his baby but i couldnt stay long on friday cuz i decided to cruise down to columbia early. just before that i learned quik chek mystery crush girls name on my break at work
... turned out the girl that works at the same place i was asking about her was her roommate!
i'll surely be exposed at my next coffee break... we'll see what happens. columbia was cool, it was probably the best show i have ever seen by the bouncing souls... at my FAVORITE club, new brookland tavern. its so small and all the people there were great. a band called against me opened and they really reminded me of a modern day clash, and i wouldnt say that if they hadn't REALLY impressed me. i have seen some really great punk shows in the past few weeks and i am being reminded of why i got into all of this in the first place. i cant wait to be in a new band. i feel like i now understand the meaning of POWER chord. gnarly. anyway after the show i got a flat, but it was after the beerrun, so me n bobby put on my donut while drinking 32!!oz king cobras... THEY DO NOT SELL 40z IN SOUTH CAROLINA! i knew i had to get outta that damn state. haha so i had to stay the night and call off work cuz i couldnt make it home on that cheep little thing... i ended up going on a lame ass journey to various places to find an open tire place on a sunday in SC, when people get flats on sunday mornings, i guess they fix em after church... then i learned that one of the 2 nails in my tire was too close to the side wall and i would have to get a new one... i decided to shop around back home since i know nothing about places in columbia and charlotte was closer than ashevegas. so it took forever to get home cuz i couldnt go fast... but it ended up for the better cuz my homiez bruce and jason just happened to be going to the headbangers ball tour last night in winston salem with himsa, bleeding through and CRADLE OF FILTH, a show of 3 of my fasvorite bands i didnt think i would make it to... so it seems as if satan lead me through a highway to hell all yesterday and i ended up seeing the current lords of darkness in the evening. he's always looking out for me. maybe its my new pentagram belt buckle. needless to say the show was awesome as well, aside from the metal dude in front of me who's hair smelled like a stale resin hit
today i got the tire fixed and came back to asheville. goddamn i covered the carolinas this weekend...
next weekend... nashville, and no place to stay, cuz after the flat tire shit i think i am gonna take a bus... anyone know the warmest, safest street corner in them parts? gnarly.
it was a wild weekend. there were 40z, flat tires and fucking amazing shows. my ivy leauge of the south brother, matt n was in town to see his baby but i couldnt stay long on friday cuz i decided to cruise down to columbia early. just before that i learned quik chek mystery crush girls name on my break at work

today i got the tire fixed and came back to asheville. goddamn i covered the carolinas this weekend...
next weekend... nashville, and no place to stay, cuz after the flat tire shit i think i am gonna take a bus... anyone know the warmest, safest street corner in them parts? gnarly.
this is the longest J* entry ever. dude, I am not reading this whole thing.
sleep in the car. you can pack it full.
your forty was tasty
later dude, (I am totally laughing)
have a good day...........
in fact, i've written longer.
ha. satan.
thanks for the update. how am i supposed to learn about your life if not from SG?