as much as i hate the townj of boone NC i went there again this weekend to see my best dude matt n. also patacox was movin into his new place w/3 empty rooms, he had a party of about 30 people where there were vicious yelling matches between a couple couples at each other. i walked into the party to my friend brandon screaming at my friend and his now ex jenna as she walk out the door "HEY FUCK YOU" i laughed and drank everclear... later the cops showed up and damn if that isnt the easiest way to get a crowd of stupid drunk college kids to shut up and file out... moral of the story is when i am in boone, bad shit happens. i made sure pat wasnt going to jail and spent the rest of the weekend with the only guy that makes me love that town, matt n. we ended up playing ghost writer or something/being totally high and using clues from this abandoned house behind his place to figure out that a rapist/murderer used to live there!!! at least we're pretty sure because of the magic of the internet! hes still in jail and that wasnt his house, just a hideout for 2 years before he was caught for the murder of a high school student here in asheville back in 2000. the house is littered with gun magazines, old bills books named "the man who would be god" with pages missing and the pages renumberd and the chapters rearranged and as matt said "nothing but the writhings of a mad man" it was interesting shit. and there were a ton of old like london fog coats and stuff from other people who had lived there that i now own.
i need to make a point to always wait till around dusk to drive back from boone or davidson, cuz i am drivin into the sunset down i40, to tom waits and chris whitley... its chris whitley listenin season again and its niccccce
thats him
ummm ya, i am going to see children of fucking bodom back home on thursday. party. see yall!!!
i need to make a point to always wait till around dusk to drive back from boone or davidson, cuz i am drivin into the sunset down i40, to tom waits and chris whitley... its chris whitley listenin season again and its niccccce

thats him
ummm ya, i am going to see children of fucking bodom back home on thursday. party. see yall!!!

everybody at pat cox's was so happy to see you. they all ran out like "WHERE'S CT....WHERE'S CHRIS!!!!???? okay, now get outta my way!!!"
you're right, chris whitley is awesome. and it'd been too long since i'd listened to tom waits. but ani made the ride, for me. THNX FOR AN AWESOME WEEKEND, LOVE.