good morning, it's time for ASU weekend wrapup PART 2, THE ADVENTURES OF CHRIS AND MEGAN RENNER.
shes a long time close friend of mine who i dated awhile back and is probably one of the sexiest damn girls i know. but seriously, me and this girl just always get into trouble togeher. i crashed her car when i was 16 before i had my lisence. but thats a different story.
ANYway, she brought me over to her awesome house in the mountains. those girls have lived there not long at all and its really a beautiful house. complete with a jolly roger above the mantel. i met her female-stoner-roommates, which i feel is a rarity, ate at the house and then headed to a party up on top of some hill that it was a total bitch to get directions to cause no one's fucking phone got service out there. fuck driving at night in the mountains. anyway the party was great fun, me n megan rocked the keg of high life in the basement, and looked totally hott on the dancefloor. in fact, we were so preoccupied with all of this that we were left by our ride!!! ya um i may or may not have freestyled that night as well... haha well as the dj unplugged we realized we really needed a ride but couldnt find one and our drunk asses decided it would be a short walk down the hill, or at least till her cell phone worked again and she could call her roommates... this short walk turned into a 2 hr walk, where down the hill turned into up the hill and still no phone service, and NO cars around at all, on top of that megan fell into a creek and soaked the smokes and had to grip my body as tight as she could to take my warmth. we ended up ringing doorbells of random houses to try to use the phone. finally we decided we were fucking tired and sat in the road and just started yelling HELP! i'm talking we were in the middle of the mountains with like crazy cayote sounds and shit. FINALLY some headlights came into view and we just blocked the road and flagged the dude down and hitched a ride to a place we could call from. it was a pretty sketch thing to do, megan was scared the whole time, but really, our alternative was sleeping on the side of a fucking road. the ride down the hill took a LONG time and he dropped us off in the parking lot of a big lots! this is about 4am. we contacted her roommates but they all said they were too drunk to drive. SHIT. we resolved that the would hitch again, but NO one would pick us up! seriously megan is terribly gorgeous, but tough as nails, i dont understand how she wasnt picked up. but some sort of miricle occured and we saw a taxi and went crazy to get its attention. we couldnt believe that we were actually gonna get back to her place. i payed for the cab ride (we definatly couldnt have walked from BIGLOTS!) and when we returned the coffee maker read 5:13 and that shit got FILLED up. somehow we stayed up for like another hr just catching up.
gosh i realllllly love that girl. she is in a serious relationship with a guy who i actually really like a lot, otherwise the night probably would have had a bit more perks, but i swear that was one the best times i have ever had, with all the hassel came laughter the entire time. maybe ASU isnt that bad, but i have a class to get to now.
lotsa love,
shes a long time close friend of mine who i dated awhile back and is probably one of the sexiest damn girls i know. but seriously, me and this girl just always get into trouble togeher. i crashed her car when i was 16 before i had my lisence. but thats a different story.
ANYway, she brought me over to her awesome house in the mountains. those girls have lived there not long at all and its really a beautiful house. complete with a jolly roger above the mantel. i met her female-stoner-roommates, which i feel is a rarity, ate at the house and then headed to a party up on top of some hill that it was a total bitch to get directions to cause no one's fucking phone got service out there. fuck driving at night in the mountains. anyway the party was great fun, me n megan rocked the keg of high life in the basement, and looked totally hott on the dancefloor. in fact, we were so preoccupied with all of this that we were left by our ride!!! ya um i may or may not have freestyled that night as well... haha well as the dj unplugged we realized we really needed a ride but couldnt find one and our drunk asses decided it would be a short walk down the hill, or at least till her cell phone worked again and she could call her roommates... this short walk turned into a 2 hr walk, where down the hill turned into up the hill and still no phone service, and NO cars around at all, on top of that megan fell into a creek and soaked the smokes and had to grip my body as tight as she could to take my warmth. we ended up ringing doorbells of random houses to try to use the phone. finally we decided we were fucking tired and sat in the road and just started yelling HELP! i'm talking we were in the middle of the mountains with like crazy cayote sounds and shit. FINALLY some headlights came into view and we just blocked the road and flagged the dude down and hitched a ride to a place we could call from. it was a pretty sketch thing to do, megan was scared the whole time, but really, our alternative was sleeping on the side of a fucking road. the ride down the hill took a LONG time and he dropped us off in the parking lot of a big lots! this is about 4am. we contacted her roommates but they all said they were too drunk to drive. SHIT. we resolved that the would hitch again, but NO one would pick us up! seriously megan is terribly gorgeous, but tough as nails, i dont understand how she wasnt picked up. but some sort of miricle occured and we saw a taxi and went crazy to get its attention. we couldnt believe that we were actually gonna get back to her place. i payed for the cab ride (we definatly couldnt have walked from BIGLOTS!) and when we returned the coffee maker read 5:13 and that shit got FILLED up. somehow we stayed up for like another hr just catching up.
gosh i realllllly love that girl. she is in a serious relationship with a guy who i actually really like a lot, otherwise the night probably would have had a bit more perks, but i swear that was one the best times i have ever had, with all the hassel came laughter the entire time. maybe ASU isnt that bad, but i have a class to get to now.
lotsa love,
got IT not titz haha
NO PROBS, it was a fine convo