if i were a suicidegirl i would put 1349's 'beyond the apocalypse' & head automatica's 'decadance' on my wishlist. do sg's really get that stuff? i hope so.
my head hurts me some... i drank 40s last night, livin the high life. i also chilled with sg, adora last night as well, and she seemed totally cool. i also got hit on by a gay dude a lot last night. sayin shit like, "that hat is becoming on you... if i were on you i'd be cumming too", and running his fingers through my hair, commenting on my ass and asking if i was sure i wasnt gay... after awhile it got old and i had to tell him that i was not an object and stuff blaherdddsahh. i dont feel like expaining last night anymore. but it was funny and i am going to a feminist meeting 2nite... to pick up chicks.
it's been a glorious morning, i didnt wake up to a 'cops'-like domestic dispute in my neighborhood like yesterday morning, instead there was a message on my phone from one of my favorite guys ever, former coffee shop boss dave beam, seriously if only you ladies knew this dude... he rules. i really didnt feel like waking up, but i just rocked it to some jeff buckley on the way 2 school, i wish you had had that great of a morning... it's really the best way to feel good about the day. 2 awesome dudes, dave beam and jeff buckley. (ps pat cox & matt nelson are in that category too) lets just stop and commemorate jeff buckley for a hot one.
well, have a wonderful day.
.. OH ya, kiki took pictures of me n jack (awesome) eating food yesterday... i'll get those from her and up on here soon, cause i know youre interested.
, chris

my head hurts me some... i drank 40s last night, livin the high life. i also chilled with sg, adora last night as well, and she seemed totally cool. i also got hit on by a gay dude a lot last night. sayin shit like, "that hat is becoming on you... if i were on you i'd be cumming too", and running his fingers through my hair, commenting on my ass and asking if i was sure i wasnt gay... after awhile it got old and i had to tell him that i was not an object and stuff blaherdddsahh. i dont feel like expaining last night anymore. but it was funny and i am going to a feminist meeting 2nite... to pick up chicks.

it's been a glorious morning, i didnt wake up to a 'cops'-like domestic dispute in my neighborhood like yesterday morning, instead there was a message on my phone from one of my favorite guys ever, former coffee shop boss dave beam, seriously if only you ladies knew this dude... he rules. i really didnt feel like waking up, but i just rocked it to some jeff buckley on the way 2 school, i wish you had had that great of a morning... it's really the best way to feel good about the day. 2 awesome dudes, dave beam and jeff buckley. (ps pat cox & matt nelson are in that category too) lets just stop and commemorate jeff buckley for a hot one.

well, have a wonderful day.

P.S. You're hot.