holy shit i got a comment... and from my FAVORITE SG. this deserves an update! thanks a lot eli, you made my day!
and it was a big one. i got all my classes figured out and i move to asheville on sunday. i got a film class, a new interest of mine, hopefully it'll be interesting. and apparently one of my teachers is a trasvestite or something, because before placing me into his/her class, the councilor dude asked me if i had any problem with 'gays' and said of this teacher "shes a good guy" ?????? we'll see how that turns out...
anyway, this whole moving thing is gonna be crazy/new/fun/educational... cause its not like i am moving onto a campus and into the whole university program... just taking the classes, so basically i gotta do the rest myself, and figure out my place in this totally alternative city... seriously, i use that word way too much but its a great way to describe so many things... like three doors down. but really its the perfect word to describe asheville cause theres like anti-bush shit in every other window downtown and a coffee shop on every corner... so i should be able to find a job... i mean, i got a pierced lip, i can make a latte and shit. hopefully i can find some people to make some music with within the semester too, which reminds me that my fucking telecaster was stolen the other day on the way home from filling in for rus in minority party. FUCK!(MINORITY PARTY40oz party foul)
but speaking of places i need one of those too... i have some leads but have yet to figure one out and may end up camping/sleeping in the car if that doesnt get settled before sunday... no biggie... i can like tell stories about it one day, it'll be like the whole ani difranco moving to NYC for a change of scenery deal. and wow, i do that a lot... compare so much of my life to things that i know about those of my favorite artists, thats not that lame right? at least i dont find myself being all "man, so thats what fred durst must have felt like"
whatever. its 1 now and i gotta be a barista at 6:30am. and dammit i am getting drunk with cormac tomarrow, if you all knew him you'd be stoaked for me.
lastly, here is a snippit of a halarious conversation i had tonight with one of my REAL alternative girl friends, who is quite annoyed with my SG fanaticism.
K I K I 08614: one day, i'm gonna get enraged, and do something to permanently sabotage your future with SG
chrisXparty: hahah
K I K I 08614: laugh it up.
K I K I 08614: mr. party-it-up- chris/rod- i -have-a-crush-on-every-girl-and-like-to - "network- on - SG.com
nightnight. much love, chris

anyway, this whole moving thing is gonna be crazy/new/fun/educational... cause its not like i am moving onto a campus and into the whole university program... just taking the classes, so basically i gotta do the rest myself, and figure out my place in this totally alternative city... seriously, i use that word way too much but its a great way to describe so many things... like three doors down. but really its the perfect word to describe asheville cause theres like anti-bush shit in every other window downtown and a coffee shop on every corner... so i should be able to find a job... i mean, i got a pierced lip, i can make a latte and shit. hopefully i can find some people to make some music with within the semester too, which reminds me that my fucking telecaster was stolen the other day on the way home from filling in for rus in minority party. FUCK!(MINORITY PARTY40oz party foul)
but speaking of places i need one of those too... i have some leads but have yet to figure one out and may end up camping/sleeping in the car if that doesnt get settled before sunday... no biggie... i can like tell stories about it one day, it'll be like the whole ani difranco moving to NYC for a change of scenery deal. and wow, i do that a lot... compare so much of my life to things that i know about those of my favorite artists, thats not that lame right? at least i dont find myself being all "man, so thats what fred durst must have felt like"
whatever. its 1 now and i gotta be a barista at 6:30am. and dammit i am getting drunk with cormac tomarrow, if you all knew him you'd be stoaked for me.
lastly, here is a snippit of a halarious conversation i had tonight with one of my REAL alternative girl friends, who is quite annoyed with my SG fanaticism.
K I K I 08614: one day, i'm gonna get enraged, and do something to permanently sabotage your future with SG
chrisXparty: hahah
K I K I 08614: laugh it up.
K I K I 08614: mr. party-it-up- chris/rod- i -have-a-crush-on-every-girl-and-like-to - "network- on - SG.com
nightnight. much love, chris
but i win everytime.
Check out Asheville rock and this city can burn for music happenings.
As for a place to live, best of luck. I hear down by the river is nice, and the cops hardly harass you.