As of Oct 2, I'm off the sight. It's way too 'Myspacey' now and the changes they made don't work right with my browser. It's a clusterfuck when you're using linux and I don't have the patience to sort it all out when every other page on the internet works fine. I'd rather they had put the dirtier pictures back in instead goofing it all up. SG has definately jumped the shark in my book and I would have quit earlier if I hadn't paid for a big block of membership time right before they made their changes.
I really like all the people I've met through here though, and I hope to keep in touch. It's been a long while since I've read your journals, what with the completely fucked up fonts and all, but I'm going to try and catch up on what everyone's been up to before my membership runs out.
I really like all the people I've met through here though, and I hope to keep in touch. It's been a long while since I've read your journals, what with the completely fucked up fonts and all, but I'm going to try and catch up on what everyone's been up to before my membership runs out.