Well i just lost any free time i might have had because i foolishly bought an x-box on craigslist with a bunch of games. Between practicing guitar, slaughtering aliens and reading thru this stack of spy books there's just not much time left. I barely watch TV anymore and even movies are getting sporadic. Of course, that didn't stop me from volunteering my fridays at Ethos Inc. It's a place that teaches little kids music and I'm going to be working in the rock band class. It'll be just like the school of rock! My first day is next week and i'm so stoked to put some guitars in their hands and let the head banging begin. I can hardly wait.
I should be moving in the next couple of days. Technically the 15th, but they may give me the call sooner. Maybe I should pack some shit up....
And some time this week, a friend and i are going to the pumkin patches to buy little pumpkins for Doernbecher's children's hospital because appearently pumpkin farmers aren't willing to donate a seasonal crop to kids with cancer.
I should be moving in the next couple of days. Technically the 15th, but they may give me the call sooner. Maybe I should pack some shit up....

And some time this week, a friend and i are going to the pumkin patches to buy little pumpkins for Doernbecher's children's hospital because appearently pumpkin farmers aren't willing to donate a seasonal crop to kids with cancer.
That makes me