Ever want to complain about life when you really have no reason too? Im in a bizarre mood; I think Im a bit attention starved as of late. Which is admittedly shallow of me.. Im sure I could just as easily focus on an area of my life which isnt so fucking trivial.
I really just want to do something new with the way I look. Ive had the same look for so long now that I feel incredibly plain. Add to that Im in school for hair design, and having boring hair, despite it being blue just makes me sad. Maybe its the change of the seasons that has me in the mind set? Atone time, I used to really turn heads (not so much for being "hot" lol, just for standing out) when I walked around downtown, now I barely get noticed.. *Le Sigh* no matter how old I get, I cant seem to escape my own petty insecurities
On a different, less self absorbed tangent! School is god. I couldnt have made a better chose for myself. Im starting to understand so much and its only been 3 weeks. The people I go to class with are so nice, and the instructors and great. Our class had a picnic yesterday in a park just cause. The class is next to a wondrous pub which offers 99 cents for shots every Thursday which is the day class lasts till 8pm tres convenient .. A class drinking night has been adopted every second Thursday.
Also I want a tattoo! Ive been avoiding getting one for ages; I dont do well with things that are permanent as I can be a super fickle bastard when it comes to how I look. However, it just feels right now. I want to start laying the ground work for a chest piece, Ive been going over designs in my head for months now and I finally have one that suits who I am. Getting it to paper sadly is anther thing entirely.. Well Im off to go buy a pin stripe shirt! Le joy!
I really just want to do something new with the way I look. Ive had the same look for so long now that I feel incredibly plain. Add to that Im in school for hair design, and having boring hair, despite it being blue just makes me sad. Maybe its the change of the seasons that has me in the mind set? Atone time, I used to really turn heads (not so much for being "hot" lol, just for standing out) when I walked around downtown, now I barely get noticed.. *Le Sigh* no matter how old I get, I cant seem to escape my own petty insecurities
On a different, less self absorbed tangent! School is god. I couldnt have made a better chose for myself. Im starting to understand so much and its only been 3 weeks. The people I go to class with are so nice, and the instructors and great. Our class had a picnic yesterday in a park just cause. The class is next to a wondrous pub which offers 99 cents for shots every Thursday which is the day class lasts till 8pm tres convenient .. A class drinking night has been adopted every second Thursday.
Also I want a tattoo! Ive been avoiding getting one for ages; I dont do well with things that are permanent as I can be a super fickle bastard when it comes to how I look. However, it just feels right now. I want to start laying the ground work for a chest piece, Ive been going over designs in my head for months now and I finally have one that suits who I am. Getting it to paper sadly is anther thing entirely.. Well Im off to go buy a pin stripe shirt! Le joy!

thanks for the comment. Have you seen The Book Of Bunny Suicides or Return Of Bunny Suicides. I bought them two days ago and I thought of you.

I complain all the time, it keeps me level.