Student loans rock!
... well no, no they don't. However the fact that I can now afford to both buy food and pay my tuition is a wondrous thing. I was starting to get nervous that my loan wasnt going to go though, as classes start on May 16th for me but they came with about a month to spare.
Me + Money = School , School = Happy Bunny
On a sad note, my weekend will be spent working at the porn shop again, Now that Ryan quit, Ill be working EVERY weekend. *le sigh*
<- just cause
... well no, no they don't. However the fact that I can now afford to both buy food and pay my tuition is a wondrous thing. I was starting to get nervous that my loan wasnt going to go though, as classes start on May 16th for me but they came with about a month to spare.
Me + Money = School , School = Happy Bunny
On a sad note, my weekend will be spent working at the porn shop again, Now that Ryan quit, Ill be working EVERY weekend. *le sigh*

i rather like yours as well