i hate drugs, i hate people who do them, im surprised i am still on here with some of the absolute dumbness i have read on here from people about their habits...sheesh people, go out and do some shit and get a life...like no joke i have read like 15 of these type of blogs in just the last few weeks..."like omg i smoked some mad weed and like jesus i swear i couldn't go a day without it"....umm yeah that sounds like such a grand life...but i'll keep getting my high in life from my little boy and music and bowling and the hundred other things i enjoy because the day i go to weed or drugs or even booze to keep me happy i might as well blow my brains out right then...
I, too, don't do drugs, and I can see where you're coming from, but to each their own, ya know? It isn't something I personally want to be involved with, but I would feel like I'm limiting myself from meeting so many lovely people if I didn't give individuals who do drugs an opportunity.
Not offended. Was just a comment. Thanks for clarifying though! I get what you mean.