i must have sat on facebook over an hour looking at all the pics i have accumulated of my little man this past year or so and it just stuns me all the memories that come back with these pics and how much he has grown and how much we have grown closer for that matter...i remember walking away from countless visits telling my pap "that kid hates me and i don't know why im even trying" and he would always tell me you are doing the right thing and to just stick with him and never give up on him. and now im so glad i kept working at it because now im not just some random dude to him, im dad damn-it!! and on top of that im a dad to one of the most beautiful, crazy, curious and bouncy little boys around and have gathered some of the craziest memories of the silly stuff he does that will last a lifetime and that helps to carry me through the dark times...i love you colton james mostoller-suhoney. it was supposed to be me taking care of you and watching over you but it ended up being you that did more for me then i have ever done for you...
Aww, I'm hlad that you're closer to your son, now! 

What are you talking about? o.o?