god the entitlement of some women on this site is fucking repulsive...so umm like im not that kinda girl but i just posted 50 pics of myself naked for hundreds of people but am gonna get mad if you ask me about more pics...jesus fucking christ this place is fucking lame...so many stuck up people it's like high school or some bullshit on here...on and...
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this site has all but lost it's luster for me...i went from being on here multiple hours a day to not even an hour all week...sucks cause i still have another 7 months on my account...48 bucks i should have not spent but lesson learned...
started a new schedule with my boy...still barely get any time and still almost all visits are "supervised" but i feel like in some way im slowly making progress...besides the ex just had another little boy with her new b/f so hopefully this will mean she decides to send little dude my way a lil more now....other then that i have absolutely zero thing goings...
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Looks great!

im so over shady ass people, im so over believing shit people try to feed me, im so over everyone being 2-faced, im so over people who act like they are decent folks for a day....remember to always keep your guard up in this fucked up world or someone will not hesitate to slam a knife in your back.......
Sad but oh so very true. People are so self absorbed.
I understand where you're coming from and I'm so sorry you've had to personally experience these things . . .
That face!! omg! <3
awww he's adorable!!!
maybe....just maybe, life isn't for everyone......
Love neither.
All depends on how you look at it
if anyone out there knows a thing or two about tattoos could you please message me....im looking at getting my first tattoo and wanted some input on the design and things of that nature...thanks
Needs more nudity? lol
I agree, I need to plan another shoot, soon.
How have you been?
I agree, I need to plan another shoot, soon.

How have you been?

Also, I could help you if you'd like.
I'm no expert on tattoos, but I am an artist. lol

I'm no expert on tattoos, but I am an artist. lol
nothing to see here, move along.....
i hate drugs, i hate people who do them, im surprised i am still on here with some of the absolute dumbness i have read on here from people about their habits...sheesh people, go out and do some shit and get a life...like no joke i have read like 15 of these type of blogs in just the last few weeks..."like omg i smoked some...
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I, too, don't do drugs, and I can see where you're coming from, but to each their own, ya know? It isn't something I personally want to be involved with, but I would feel like I'm limiting myself from meeting so many lovely people if I didn't give individuals who do drugs an opportunity.
Not offended. Was just a comment. Thanks for clarifying though! I get what you mean. 

still here....still swinging....still holding my middle finger in the air only doing what i have to do......but how about someone message me cause this site is becoming pretty boring....