hey folks... sorry for the late upsate (again, i know!) but i have had no virus protection on my computer this last week so have been hesitant about using this thing, as it is i juist found 40 infected files! dunnay worry, its all taken care of now.
current events :
well, that was truly the worst holiday i have ever been on, seriously the worst. started off with the lingest ferry crossing ever. then day two:
buckle up, trust me!
i was sat 3 seats back from the driver. we decided to carry on with the holiday, which looking back was a bad idea. i wont bore you withthe details, but i wasnt in the mood come the next day.
but i was glad to get back last weekend, spent some time with friends, the cat, my folks, and trying to recover from my plethora of snowboarding injuries. getting on with some sculpture and sorting a few things out around the house.
well take care kids, will leave posts for you all tomorrow, i have left little time to get things done tonight...
laters daddios.
current events :
well, that was truly the worst holiday i have ever been on, seriously the worst. started off with the lingest ferry crossing ever. then day two:
buckle up, trust me!
i was sat 3 seats back from the driver. we decided to carry on with the holiday, which looking back was a bad idea. i wont bore you withthe details, but i wasnt in the mood come the next day.
but i was glad to get back last weekend, spent some time with friends, the cat, my folks, and trying to recover from my plethora of snowboarding injuries. getting on with some sculpture and sorting a few things out around the house.
well take care kids, will leave posts for you all tomorrow, i have left little time to get things done tonight...

laters daddios.

you are a worse journal updater then me. and i didn't think that was possible.
You need to get your ass online when I'm on so I can tell you all about my move!