cutting a long story short, cos i aint got time.
life in derby is more stale than an out of date cruton.
i am going on holiday tomorrow, snow, boards, and booze.
aint expecting much feedback cos i aint got time to say hi y'all. but i'll be sure t ochat when i get back.
laters daddio's.
life in derby is more stale than an out of date cruton.
i am going on holiday tomorrow, snow, boards, and booze.
aint expecting much feedback cos i aint got time to say hi y'all. but i'll be sure t ochat when i get back.

laters daddio's.

I get my net access back ( thanks to my ma's laptop ) and you bugger off to play in the snow.
Not that I'm in the least bit jealous you, really, I'm not...really...honest....snow, booze, silly stuff all have absolutely nil appeal.