turned out this was longer than i intended, if ya jus twant to poop in and say highskip this section...
bugger, i was s owasted and i came up with loadsa intelligent stuff to say...
but now i am sober, and i cant remember them. probably for the best. the only writing i do is usually fantasy stuff, when iu come up with ideas for comics. s othey start getting all philosophical and shit.
hell, i'm just typing what i'm thinking.
soemtimes thats better, althoiugh it used to get me int otrouble saying whjat i think. although, maybe thats not a bad thing, at least i'm honest... too many people dont tell it like it is.
did you ever see 'Santa claus: the movie'? you know the one with the late dudley moore? ( No! he wasnt late when he made it, imagione that .. .zombie elfs!)... i bring it up cos it was on tv yesterday , anyways, there's this scene where the jolly old fart in the red suit spots this homeless kid, and wonders why he doesnt have a home, naive kunt. but thats my point, too many people bury their heads in the sand around something that the have no experience in.
anyways, its like when we have a go a tour folks, the 2 sides dont get on because the yhave no idea what its like to be you and vice versa.
the thing is when ever anyone makes a judgement on another, i think its illfounded. i bring it up cos people have made judgements on me in recent times, and people who i cared about at some point, something which i dislike cos i'm under enough stress and all it does is raise more questions.
but then again, some extreme circumstances surrounding events nearly 10 years ago, brewed many lies. i guess i should just accept it.
i really just typed all that crap to get it off my chest after shit thats been going on, s oit wont really make sense, but anyways...
i got my work finished, and they loved it, fat paycheck thankyou! pics will come soon, but now i got loadsa of drawing work on, pics of that too.. .
lifes good apart from the cunt who started o nme in the queue for the 'note the other night. bastard cowared away quickly though, pussy should finish what he starts...
lifes sucks but at leats women have boobs. *takes breath* aaaaaaaah , boobs.
anyways, to all of ya a merry x-mas. here's ya kisses, take as many as you wish :
bugger, i was s owasted and i came up with loadsa intelligent stuff to say...
but now i am sober, and i cant remember them. probably for the best. the only writing i do is usually fantasy stuff, when iu come up with ideas for comics. s othey start getting all philosophical and shit.
hell, i'm just typing what i'm thinking.
soemtimes thats better, althoiugh it used to get me int otrouble saying whjat i think. although, maybe thats not a bad thing, at least i'm honest... too many people dont tell it like it is.
did you ever see 'Santa claus: the movie'? you know the one with the late dudley moore? ( No! he wasnt late when he made it, imagione that .. .zombie elfs!)... i bring it up cos it was on tv yesterday , anyways, there's this scene where the jolly old fart in the red suit spots this homeless kid, and wonders why he doesnt have a home, naive kunt. but thats my point, too many people bury their heads in the sand around something that the have no experience in.
anyways, its like when we have a go a tour folks, the 2 sides dont get on because the yhave no idea what its like to be you and vice versa.
the thing is when ever anyone makes a judgement on another, i think its illfounded. i bring it up cos people have made judgements on me in recent times, and people who i cared about at some point, something which i dislike cos i'm under enough stress and all it does is raise more questions.
but then again, some extreme circumstances surrounding events nearly 10 years ago, brewed many lies. i guess i should just accept it.
i really just typed all that crap to get it off my chest after shit thats been going on, s oit wont really make sense, but anyways...
i got my work finished, and they loved it, fat paycheck thankyou! pics will come soon, but now i got loadsa of drawing work on, pics of that too.. .
lifes good apart from the cunt who started o nme in the queue for the 'note the other night. bastard cowared away quickly though, pussy should finish what he starts...
lifes sucks but at leats women have boobs. *takes breath* aaaaaaaah , boobs.

anyways, to all of ya a merry x-mas. here's ya kisses, take as many as you wish :

though maybe there's something about the holidays... last year i got dumped on new years eve...
No nudey for the calender then?! Ok, just man boobs?