man, that was such a crappy day, first my hash brown at breakfast was too greasy and i felt like throwing up, then i get to work and find out i'm working the rowing boats the other side of the park with a guy who was explaining why he thought it was okay to cheat on people, something which i dont believe in.
then when i get home i get a lecture off my parents on why i should get a job i was trained for.
cos i need the money to work on my portfolio!
anyway, starting some prosthetic work 2moro, something gory and fucked up. got some sculpture to finish too.
then i'll buy a new dvd player, and go to a BBQ in the eve and get wasted and walk back from the next village at 4am monday morning.
roll on 2moro.
man, that was such a crappy day, first my hash brown at breakfast was too greasy and i felt like throwing up, then i get to work and find out i'm working the rowing boats the other side of the park with a guy who was explaining why he thought it was okay to cheat on people, something which i dont believe in.
then when i get home i get a lecture off my parents on why i should get a job i was trained for.
cos i need the money to work on my portfolio!
anyway, starting some prosthetic work 2moro, something gory and fucked up. got some sculpture to finish too.
then i'll buy a new dvd player, and go to a BBQ in the eve and get wasted and walk back from the next village at 4am monday morning.
roll on 2moro.
A greasy hash brown is the devil's coaster.
i had a dvd player but i lost it during the move. hopefully it's still at my mom's or in a box somewhere. what a waste that would be. i've been needing some good food lately. i've been living off of pop tarts and ham sandwiches. it could be a lot worse but a BBQ sounds excellent. enjoy.