well, there's the new pic, some of you may already recognise that one, but tough, i hardly ever photograph well, so i'm milking that one for the time being
been getting back in touch with some old uni friends with the help of facebook, which is great because as great as some friends are you ultimatley can lose touch easily, but as with any good...
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been getting back in touch with some old uni friends with the help of facebook, which is great because as great as some friends are you ultimatley can lose touch easily, but as with any good...
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hey folks, yeh like i'm ever actually around, but why not, thought i'd give a heads up. man trhis plac ehas changed. kinda like that photo, should really take a new one, hopw ya all cool, although i can see alot of people have moved on.
i kinda forgot about htis place, so i might be back at some point but had more than a...
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i kinda forgot about htis place, so i might be back at some point but had more than a...
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i'm still here!
holy hell he lives!
good to see you back on here.
good to see you back on here.

blah blah blah, doing my best to make it back... just seems little point if i haven't got the time to keep it up, seeya all soon! 

I will say Happy Birthday even if you probably won't read this for months.
Well I've been with him for about 4 years now so we'll see if we can bear living apart for most of the year etc 

oops, yet again, but some day sooner rather than later, i'll be back, and all will be explained
now bend over for a thrashing

now bend over for a thrashing

Hey babe, it was good to hang out with you.
One day i really will get to hide behind the sofa while you scare me to death with specially selected bits of cinematic gore

Hey babe, it was good to hang out with you.
One day i really will get to hide behind the sofa while you scare me to death with specially selected bits of cinematic gore

its some US music awards thing.
and i really think that you could get some ideas for prosthetics from Smokey robinsons face....it was truly scary.
anyway, idiot boy, what the hell are you doing with yourself.
and i really think that you could get some ideas for prosthetics from Smokey robinsons face....it was truly scary.

anyway, idiot boy, what the hell are you doing with yourself.

oops did i say 22nd? well actually about 2 weeks from now. i had to take care of my cousin for a week then moved house, and we dontt get tinternet for a fortnight. i have 2 mins here before i bugger off again, not a good start to my return, but i will be back.

I'll look forward to seeing you back sweetie.

Did you go to The Assembly Rooms simply for the pleasure of seeing Alison Hammond?
will post properly on the 22nd, and make the rounds, all will be expalined
take care y'all

the 22nd of which month exactly?

will be along to do a proper entry in a few days, i hope
i'm probably just babbling now, many exausting days at the park, its pretty much the busiest time of year. ontop of that my compadres and i are getting iready for the move into 'Rancho Relaxo'
fifty quid a month! can you beleive it !!!
hope ya all cool, i'll stop by...
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hope ya all cool, i'll stop by...
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Well, its been a hell of a week, what?.... nine months!?!?!? Must have been one hell of a party, must remember to lay off the booze
Neh, seriously, my life just got way hectic back in September, and as such I just didnt have much time for anything at all. I did some work in Nottingham for a while, but the commute was a bitch...
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Neh, seriously, my life just got way hectic back in September, and as such I just didnt have much time for anything at all. I did some work in Nottingham for a while, but the commute was a bitch...
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thanks, cookie.
my capt'n crunch is my

my capt'n crunch is my

I nearly peed myself laughing at the smurfette pic.
You look so cute!!!!!!
And the specs are cool too.

You look so cute!!!!!!
And the specs are cool too.

i know its been a while, but i'm going to make you wait a few more days *insert diabolically evil laugh here*


you still doing your things with the stuff?
is that you with Bob Dylon?
whos the old lady?
thats my old lady
hehe, gotta love waynes world 2
anyways, been a real busy week again, tax returns and shit. Also guess who becomes a four eyed monster next week?
yup, I get glasses Ill post a pic of me with them once Ive chosen a pair. Its gonna be funky weird, but...
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whos the old lady?
thats my old lady
hehe, gotta love waynes world 2
anyways, been a real busy week again, tax returns and shit. Also guess who becomes a four eyed monster next week?

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glad you got your glasses, hon.
the book's more or less inspired by my days as a squatter in chicago back in 97.........cherry ends up in an abandoned apartment, after her and her friends are brutalized by cops, and she discovers the journals of a serial killer.
anyway, glad you're on my friends list.
[Edited on Apr 30, 2006 8:08PM]
the book's more or less inspired by my days as a squatter in chicago back in 97.........cherry ends up in an abandoned apartment, after her and her friends are brutalized by cops, and she discovers the journals of a serial killer.
anyway, glad you're on my friends list.

[Edited on Apr 30, 2006 8:08PM]
thanx. this is the first book i've had published, but not the first i've written...........yeah, i'm still likin' the halloween title. i wanted to just call it "halloween" but i think that's been used for something before.

I know what you mean about good friends though.
It doesn't matter how long it was since I last saw you , it'd be like it was yesterday the nexttime i get to meet up with you.
Unless you scare me with all that horror stuff.
In which case I'll spank you silly.
You have been warned!