Went to the casino, doubled my money and bolted!!! Its early, its friday, its cold and I'm gonna hang out with my girls (dogs) for the night. Watching some American Dad now to be followed by the rest of the Adult Swim line-up, have no idea what I'd watch at night without it. Would probably go to bed really early. Should be a great night 2mor night, be a slow start with at the dinner for the bank but leaving there heading over to the casino to catch a concert. Some classic rock, I love classic rock, even so I wasn't really sure what these guys sang but with a little research it sounds like it should be an easy going good time, April Wine then Sweet to be followed by Head East. Three bands, probably 3 hrs of music and then over to the bar to hear some more live music. Numerous drinks inbetween, a few games, maybe some BlackJack, its been a while but I'm feeling like finding a pitch table. . . Always a good time playing with house money!!! Wish me luck