So my birthday weekend has officially started and I already can't wait for it to be over. Sounds terrible right, as saturday bday, where most people would be ecstatic I'm not. Be 30 as of midnight and its not all that bad age wise, not really bothered about it. More so pissed about a bunch of people that that are going to want to make a big deal out of it that I haven't talked to in a year and then out of nowhere they all wan to pretend to be my best friend when I'll be more like good to know your still alive, wish I would have heard from you some other time maybe. Worst single guy ever, can't find a date to the concert, got a suite at the casino, hanging out in the hot tub by myself getting drunk should be a wonderful time. So fucking excited!!!! Can't wait for sunday and this wasted weekend to be all over with. . .

Happy birthday 

Happy Birthday!