Update: 11:20 pm
can't sleep the penguins will eat me, can't sleep the penguins will eat me, can't sleep the penguins will eat me, can't sleep the penguins will eat me, can't sleep the penguins will eat me, can't sleep the penguins will eat me, can't sleep the penguins will eat me, can't sleep the penguins will eat me, can't sleep the penguins will eat me, can't sleep the penguins will eat me, can't sleep the penguins will eat me, can't sleep the penguins will eat me, can't sleep the penguins will eat me, can't sleep the penguins will eat me, can't sleep the penguins will eat me, can't sleep the penguins will eat me, can't sleep the penguins will eat me, can't sleep the penguins will eat me, can't sleep the penguins will eat me, can't sleep the penguins will eat me, can't sleep the penguins will eat me, can't sleep the penguins will eat me......
Update: 6:00 pm
Tee hee
I really need to find a way to kill my sex drive.....any suggestions?
Update: 4:00 pm
Just got back from the pharmacy, took me forever and a day to walk there. Normally it only takes me 5 minutes, I'm so slow going today.
I'm going through a pouty stage, and reliving VERY old conversations in my head. Remembering conversations where I completely disagrees with someone else's point of view on my life, and suddenly realizing how right they were.
Oh well. I just want someone to talk to today.
Today is a bust. Sorry to everyone.
I'm still slowly stretching my back trying to be able to go to the store. I'm a grumpy panda.
The end.
can't sleep the penguins will eat me, can't sleep the penguins will eat me, can't sleep the penguins will eat me, can't sleep the penguins will eat me, can't sleep the penguins will eat me, can't sleep the penguins will eat me, can't sleep the penguins will eat me, can't sleep the penguins will eat me, can't sleep the penguins will eat me, can't sleep the penguins will eat me, can't sleep the penguins will eat me, can't sleep the penguins will eat me, can't sleep the penguins will eat me, can't sleep the penguins will eat me, can't sleep the penguins will eat me, can't sleep the penguins will eat me, can't sleep the penguins will eat me, can't sleep the penguins will eat me, can't sleep the penguins will eat me, can't sleep the penguins will eat me, can't sleep the penguins will eat me, can't sleep the penguins will eat me......

Update: 6:00 pm
Tee hee
I really need to find a way to kill my sex drive.....any suggestions?
Update: 4:00 pm
Just got back from the pharmacy, took me forever and a day to walk there. Normally it only takes me 5 minutes, I'm so slow going today.

I'm going through a pouty stage, and reliving VERY old conversations in my head. Remembering conversations where I completely disagrees with someone else's point of view on my life, and suddenly realizing how right they were.
Oh well. I just want someone to talk to today.

Today is a bust. Sorry to everyone.
I'm still slowly stretching my back trying to be able to go to the store. I'm a grumpy panda.
The end.
When I get like that sometime I just gotta write stuff down, like a diary or a journal, just to try to get my feelings out. Hope things get better for you soon.