Sitting at work doing my filler work, since I busted through my real work by 1. I did good today!
Now that there are people around me (that aren't screaming in languages I can't understand or singing bad music at 2am) I'm actually doing pretty good. I'm not lonely for a relationship, just people. Heh, a recovering agorophobe wanting to be around people, yay medication!!!
I'm listening to ABBA, thinking about having dinner with the hottest koala I've ever seen and thinking about passing out before 10.
Please? Kk tks la~
Now that there are people around me (that aren't screaming in languages I can't understand or singing bad music at 2am) I'm actually doing pretty good. I'm not lonely for a relationship, just people. Heh, a recovering agorophobe wanting to be around people, yay medication!!!
I'm listening to ABBA, thinking about having dinner with the hottest koala I've ever seen and thinking about passing out before 10.
Please? Kk tks la~
thank you for the lovely cell pic ..
I was checking events to see if anything was going on Thurs-Sun, sometime. The first thing I see in your S'n'B on Saturday, which is the only day and night that I already have something planned.