It's amazing how taking a week off from updating can make you realize how much crap you do.
Let's just leave it with what is happening right now...
I'm up, freaking out, chain smoking and driving fr3ak crazy. I broke my tooth on Sat, and have an appointment tomorrow to get it fixed. I have a huge phobia with dentists. Even just going for a cleaning will send me into a panic attack from hell.
Yay for listening to Avenue Q. Wish it made everything better....
Let's just leave it with what is happening right now...
I'm up, freaking out, chain smoking and driving fr3ak crazy. I broke my tooth on Sat, and have an appointment tomorrow to get it fixed. I have a huge phobia with dentists. Even just going for a cleaning will send me into a panic attack from hell.
Yay for listening to Avenue Q. Wish it made everything better....
Call me later today when you get out of workie if you have the chance to, kay?
P.S. I saw Avenue Q on Broadway! It was fan*fucking*tastic!