I wrote this at work, saved it for later, posting it now.
I'm reading a terrible book. I like Philip K Dick a lot, but The
Transmigration of Timothy Archer has to be one of the worst books he ever wrote.
I'm really REALLY enjoying the new Royksopp album. Very cool stuff.
Imagine life is like a stream. You are water, moving through the stream, around and over rocks, carrying along branches. Fishes move through you. But you're always flowing, always in motion. Monday is like a dam. I'm just fucking sitting here, stagnant. I am not happy here.
This is the poster I made for the upcoming nine inch nails concert. As far as I know, I'm going alone. But I'm going. I had a lot of fun making this poster. An experiment with favorable results. I still have blue paint under my fingernails. It reminds me, like a bruise, that I DID SOMETHING outside of here.

I'm reading a terrible book. I like Philip K Dick a lot, but The
Transmigration of Timothy Archer has to be one of the worst books he ever wrote.
I'm really REALLY enjoying the new Royksopp album. Very cool stuff.
Imagine life is like a stream. You are water, moving through the stream, around and over rocks, carrying along branches. Fishes move through you. But you're always flowing, always in motion. Monday is like a dam. I'm just fucking sitting here, stagnant. I am not happy here.
This is the poster I made for the upcoming nine inch nails concert. As far as I know, I'm going alone. But I'm going. I had a lot of fun making this poster. An experiment with favorable results. I still have blue paint under my fingernails. It reminds me, like a bruise, that I DID SOMETHING outside of here.