removed some old pics, added a new one. drawing i did. it was originally a sketch, which i did with a 2B pencil, and i went over the features on her face with a 6B to make them darker, stand out more. it looked cool. so for a few days i've been redrawing it, inking it, adding chains to the back, shading it with a colored pencil. i'm pretty happy with it. i really CAN do some cool shit. i have a few other sketches that i think i are really cool, but nobody will ever see them. but such is the story of my life.
i am sexually frustrated and i can't talk to anyone about it. which only aggravates things. most of my friends are still virgins. which is only one of many things we DON'T have in common.
looks like all i'm going to do today is sit around feeling sorry for myself. i should do something, but i'm already too depressed to give a shit.
update: KING
leave me here, day after day
a fat white worm, slowly going
blind and mad eating itself
in an empire of dirt
starving without your flesh
i am sexually frustrated and i can't talk to anyone about it. which only aggravates things. most of my friends are still virgins. which is only one of many things we DON'T have in common.
looks like all i'm going to do today is sit around feeling sorry for myself. i should do something, but i'm already too depressed to give a shit.
update: KING
leave me here, day after day
a fat white worm, slowly going
blind and mad eating itself
in an empire of dirt
starving without your flesh
P.S. Lovely desktop, just found it yesterday!