My account will expire in nine days. I will miss reading Kasara's journal and Lithium Picnic's sets. That is all.
My account is set to expire in December. Until then, I am checking sets once a week, and only logging in to view the one or two worth looking at. If you would like to "stay in touch", send a message through my profile and we can carry on elsewhere.
Elsewhere. Another very good word.
Elsewhere. Another very good word.
I will miss you around here.
Thanks for the awesome halloween cards. You sent me two.
I will miss you around here.
Thanks for the awesome halloween cards. You sent me two.

I haven't logged in here in a week. Seven days. I missed about 28 sets. Do you know how many I actually looked at just now? 3. And I can't stop thinking Manko looks like Marilyn Manson. I'm just done with this.
*le sigh*
As is life, doll.
As is life, doll.
nooo...they should take a n00b instead...but NOT someone as cool as yourself! you have an awesome-ness that could never be replaced.
</end dorky begging
</end dorky begging
I had been thinking, well, at least I still get to see killer stuff from Apnea every once in a while. But not now. I'm sorry, but, without Apnea, what the fuck is the point?
I'm pissed. This new set of crap every six hours, I'm not interested any more. I'm taking a week off to see how I feel about it.
I'm pissed. This new set of crap every six hours, I'm not interested any more. I'm taking a week off to see how I feel about it.
Sir, you have some great drawings!!!
Take care, see you in another life.
It was great meeting you, doll.
It was great meeting you, doll.
Voltaire is leaving. Voltaire was one of the reasons I joined SG.
I don't want to say anything negative about SG but I've been thinking about cancelling my membership for a few weeks.
No one would miss me anyway.
I have a confession to make. I read his blog today. I haven't read his blog in three weeks, maybe longer. It's hard, when you waste...
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I don't want to say anything negative about SG but I've been thinking about cancelling my membership for a few weeks.
No one would miss me anyway.
I have a confession to make. I read his blog today. I haven't read his blog in three weeks, maybe longer. It's hard, when you waste...
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What? I can't believe that no one has commented on it! It's really cool

The SG DVD is really good. I mean, reallly really good.
Everything else is really shitty right now.
Everything else is really shitty right now.
i love the music on it
I love the new self portrait! verrrrry niiice!!! you'll have to let me know how the dvd is 

According to NIN's tour page, they aren't playing a show on November 7th. They WERE coming to Albany, but now they aren't. I would have to go to NYC, or Boston, or Montreal to see them. I cannot financially afford that right now. I saw them on the Fragile tour, and that was awesome. Marilyn Manson was there. The kid next to me was smoking...
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I am all summered out.
I have felt comfortable in tank tops, even, sometimes, attractive. I have stood at intersections feeling the sun warm my face. I have hiked for miles and miles in the woods, through sun and mud and bugs and rain. I have been caught in the rain. I have driven around town with the windows down and the stereo up, while...
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I have felt comfortable in tank tops, even, sometimes, attractive. I have stood at intersections feeling the sun warm my face. I have hiked for miles and miles in the woods, through sun and mud and bugs and rain. I have been caught in the rain. I have driven around town with the windows down and the stereo up, while...
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thanks! i designed the whole idea, tho. LP is great! he's the reason i did SG. his lighting is nice...and forgiving! *blushes*

I'll send you my msn and we will chat.