I'm so proud of myself. I just went to Amoeba and bought two CDs, new -- PJ Harvey's Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea and Deerhoof's Milkman. First time I've paid for music in .... in... wait, let me go look this up.
IN ALMOST A FRIGGIN YEAR! Really, in eleven months. Last music I bought prior to that was Solex (Elizabeth Esselex)'s Pickup on May 22nd, 2003. Music industry is so corrupt, I have no idea how much of that money is actually going to go to the artists. But what the hell -- I did the legit thing for artists whose work I truly enjoy. Oh, and I gave $10 to these people here to help get some ads put up that will put some more egg on George W. Bush's face.
Hey -- when The Towers came down, he got on TV and told us all that the best thing we could do was be conscientious consumers. I'm just doing my part to be a good American, here!
By the way, you want good music advice? Pay a visit to Cheech! The real King Of All Media! Really, he's good for books, and other media too.
IN ALMOST A FRIGGIN YEAR! Really, in eleven months. Last music I bought prior to that was Solex (Elizabeth Esselex)'s Pickup on May 22nd, 2003. Music industry is so corrupt, I have no idea how much of that money is actually going to go to the artists. But what the hell -- I did the legit thing for artists whose work I truly enjoy. Oh, and I gave $10 to these people here to help get some ads put up that will put some more egg on George W. Bush's face.
Hey -- when The Towers came down, he got on TV and told us all that the best thing we could do was be conscientious consumers. I'm just doing my part to be a good American, here!
By the way, you want good music advice? Pay a visit to Cheech! The real King Of All Media! Really, he's good for books, and other media too.
Crazy 'Fish, serious 'Fish.
Music = good. I am a consumer whore and will be there at midnight to by The Cure (it's self-titled :eek