Saw Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind last night w/a few friends. Oh man. GO SEE IT. Charlie Kaufman IS the zeitgeist (God, I hope I'm using that word correctly). It got me to thinking: The truth will set you free, and being set free isn't necessarily an entirely pleasant experience, but it doesn't suck nearly as bad as trying to live without ever telling the truth -- all of it -- to someone.
And... I'm so glad Michel Gondry made this movie. I truly believe him to be one of the greatest living artists. A craftsman and a genius. His first feature film effort, Human Nature, was a big disappointment to me. Eternal Sunshine is so amazing on so many levels that it effectively erases my doubt in his ability to work well in that medium. Pun intended.
And... I'm so glad Michel Gondry made this movie. I truly believe him to be one of the greatest living artists. A craftsman and a genius. His first feature film effort, Human Nature, was a big disappointment to me. Eternal Sunshine is so amazing on so many levels that it effectively erases my doubt in his ability to work well in that medium. Pun intended.
\Zeit"geist`\, n. The spirit of the time; the general intellectual and moral state or temper characteristic of any period of time.
Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc
And how cool am I? I give proper props to Webster's... and still, though, I wonder if I could get sued...
"I was jogging!"
so I'm going to go see eternal sunshine tomorrow night if that's allright with you. I've got a full schedule of loafing about today.