Well I have been super busy for the past month.
I started a full time job on June 18th. So I went from having all kinds of time on my hands to have none at all hahahha! I love my new job. I'm a call center operator :D Our computer systems haven't been working all that well. We also don't even have access to one of our systems so we can't even fully work accounts yet. It's all very irritating. I had a random 3 days off last week. Everyone was like "well aren't you lucky?!". NO! No I'm not. how about you go home for three days and I get to work and get PAID. -_-
The worst part about working full time is that is EXTREMELY difficult to make doctors appointments around my schedule. I was lucky that i could schedule my MRI on a Saturday. So that worked out very nicely. My MRI showed..........................Nothing is wrong..................... My back is as straight as can be. Nothing is being pinched. So the pain I feel is now a phantom pain. There is no reason physically that they can find for me to be in pain. So what did my doctor suggest I try? Hypnosis or acupuncture.......ugh...OH and that's not all! My MRI showed a ton on lymph nodes in my spine that are swollen.... for so far what looks like no reason. My rheumatologist is worried about Lymphoma because of my sjogrens syndrome. It's very common to have both. So now I need to have a biopsy on them to see if they are bad I guess you could say. Like I said scheduling time to meet with the surgeon isn't exactly happening at all right now. I bet people reading this are like "just ask for time off to go to the doctor"... That's not going to happen. At least not for 90 days. I've seen people fired for less then that. While I don't agree with how they do things at my job, I need this job more then they need me. So at this point I'm stuck. I'll just have to figure some thing out.