hello. i dont get enough time to come here and check in on everyone. when im not working im sleeping! i do love my new job though. one day last week a patient deliberate self harmmed themselves and i was triggered by it - thankfully i didnt see the blood and stuff. i didnt do anything, i told my b'f and i got through it without doing it so that's good. i expect there will be more days like that, but i have to get through it. you cant run forever can you.
i dont know what to have for my tea...mmmm....i'm gonna go see what i can find
i hope courtney is back on top form soon...get well courtney

i dont know what to have for my tea...mmmm....i'm gonna go see what i can find

i hope courtney is back on top form soon...get well courtney

eep! keep strong and stuff. Glad you're enjoying it!
helllo from one hole fan to the other