What are you meant to do when your parents are suicidal? my dad says cos he's 66 he's ready for the scrap heap and is waiting to die! im like, 'dad you've probably got another 20 years left' and he said he hoped not. He and mum dont wanna be together but due to mum's stroke 7 years ago she's a bit useless and my dad says he cant leave her "you've made you bed, you've gotta lay in it....". I tell him that life is what you make it and then he says "What's this I hear about you cutting yourself when you're down?"
I explained how i dont do it anymore (wow feels strange saying that!) - but its not really summat i wanna talk about, you know!!!
God yesterday I was so upbeat and felt so good, and that's amazing after 15 years of major depression... just knew something would drag me down again - usually does

God yesterday I was so upbeat and felt so good, and that's amazing after 15 years of major depression... just knew something would drag me down again - usually does