heheh...I need to learn from you how to take a regular old task and make it all interesting smile

Except for hopefully less mites. I'm not all fond of the bugs and such eeek
Thanks. My friends actually talked me into going to a "speed dating" thing. whatever I was like "sure...whatever". confused Should prove to be an interesting venture.

wink miao!!
These stretches really fucking work. I swear to god they do.

Give these an honest try for a couple of days, and I'm saying you'll tell a difference.
Btw, I hold all my stretches for 20 seconds each.
And remember, drink a lot of water before and after stretching. :]

Not sure if I'll actually write anything in here, because I usually write in my LJ.
I'm still checking out what SG is all about.
It's like a myspace, but where you can have nude pics. :]