Chillin, and relaxing for a monh till I gotta make my way over to NY to start working again after a year of school and training. Hoping it doesnt come too quickly...
Don't know who re-uped my account for a few months, but I thank you. ^_^
that seems to happen alot
Kinda noticed that before I dropped off the radar. Whatever the reason may be though, glad to be back at least for a bit.
take care of yourself! i think a lot of us understand that tight on cash thing.

Be up in Seattle for at least 6 mo. finishing up my rad. tech. training in a couple of weeks. Feelin that i's both a good and a bad thing going back home for it. We'll see I guess, lol.
Happy new years to all of you. Hope last year has been good to ya, and for this upcoming year to be even better.
Yay! Got an apt in SA with a friend. Was kilin me to live in the barracks again after four yrs...

Finally got internet and settled in down here in San Antonio, TX.
So yeah, haven't been on here in a lil while now. Haven't had much time, or the energy recently, and now, as another obstacle, I'll be in the midst of moving in a couple of weeks. Blah.... gotta love moving....
Anyone happen to know of any good sleep aids? All the over the counter meds I've used don't work and the trazodone my doc gave me for sleep stopped working after about three days....
Now that that's been said, hope everyone has a great weekend!

Now that that's been said, hope everyone has a great weekend!
thank you for your kind words, I"m okay
Jack Daniels.
So it seems I've been neglecting to update/post anything on this site of late. For those that actually read this, I appologize. For some reason I haven't really been able to get myself motivated enough to do much of anything lately. Even if it's something as simple as writing a post/journal.
People say that before you can understand others, you need to know yourself. I...
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People say that before you can understand others, you need to know yourself. I...
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thank you
hi friend~~