This thing might run out on me soon sorry guys but you'll hopefully see me on this one day when i finish getting my tats done for good later guys if i dont see you again eeek eeek
I"m so bored i'm sitting here waiting to leave school so i can pick up Misha so that we can go back to my house to spend the night together. It sucks hes going away for three weeks with his friend from virginia. No sex for 3 weeks i might as well die now and get it over with hahahah jkin. I am gonna miss...
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Boredom: the silent killer
So valentines day was great. Misha gave me 3 white roses and a three page letter telling me how he feels about me. it was the sweetest thing anyone ever got for me. then we were trying to figure out what to do so we went to starbucks and talked for hours it was awesome he also took me all the way home and told...
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So this week is amazing I finally got to talk to the really hot guy from my school. He called me over one morning and we hit it off we have been hanging out everyday so far. It turns out hes just like me, hes an x-skin we think alike we talk alike, I love when things go my way. Hes a sweetheart too, theres...
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usally one of my friends would do all my work , however he past away afew months ago. a guy from my car club does really nice work so i think i'm going to have him do a huge ship on the front sie of my right leg. then both my legs will be sleaved and i can start on finishing on of my arms...i'm thinking i might do a octopus half sleave holding a lantern and a molitov cocktail...
lemme know
Happening Valentine's Day (may it be a hallmark day for you)
Sorry it always takes me so long to write i am not busy but i think its just the fact that i dont have the internet at home. Well school started again and i love all my classes i finally got the music and art classes i wanted after trying for a while now. hopefully all goes well. I'm at school now killing time i...
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I guess i am still on here...i'll have to update my page...holla back
*matthew ARRR!!!
Hey thanks for all the wishes i did have a good birthday. i ended up going to this bar and dancing to slsa all night it was fun. Not many of my friends came out because they all left town to go to school but two of my very good friends of 7 years were there to make me smile. The next day i got...
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you're welcome for the b-day wish
maybe someday when i dont work we'll hang skull
Hey I'm starting my search for a bartending job.
So i've had the worse few weeks i got dumped the night before thanks giving on the phone by my boyfriend of almost a year. I just finished my show at school, we did our own revival of carbaret, i had 2 solos im very happy with that. I've been so busy. The good thing is that i did very well on my finals and...
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happy birthday.... kiss
Slappy Birthday!! tongue tongue
Mid-terms still not over its been about 2 weeks, i did pretty well on my others a B, an A & a C+ (i did not like that one very much) i still have time to do better hopefully. i just want to transfer out and get out of this school.
good luck.
Another saturday to get up at 7 in the morning to go to class again thank god i have no class next week at least thats one day off. Im doing pretty good this semester hopefully i pull up that gpa. i have to go study now i have mid terms next week how fun. later eeek
Bordem overwhelmes me again nothing to do just sitting here online. I also very hungry an there is not food in this house of mine. I have alos auditioned for the school play. were doing cabaret hopefully i get the part i want (Emce) i just cant wait to wear underwear on stage and in front of my boy friends family. lol
so i quit that shitty job and got one in an office i love it. my boyfriend lso wants to move out of state next fall everyting is falling apart and coming together. i also love all my classes at school. miao!!
Where do u go
to school, if you don't mind me asking?
Why do you like the office job so much? Isn't it boring?
So my new job sucks and i hate it but what are you gonna do right? i wish i had one of those office jobs that you could type, smoke cigs and answer phones. just wanted to update my shit later skull
Office jobs suck, and don't you know you can't smoke anywhere in New York. I say we burn the non-smokers and light cigarettes with the fires.
i like my job, i am a union carpenter in nyc, u dont have to take shit from anybody not have to get all dressed up, u dont have to watch what u say, but also this job is not for all ppl